Equipping communities with proven programs and supports
Kirk Von Sternberg, Ph.D.

I have 30 years of experience in designing and implementing large clinical trials to test interventions based on the transtheoretical model and motivational interviewing (MI) with at-risk populations in special settings. I have been a principal investigator or Co-Investigator responsible for study design, assessment, and data analysis on multiple large NIH/CDC funded randomized controlled intervention trials addressing risk of alcohol-exposed pregnancies, alcohol and safer sexual practices, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases/infections (HIV, STI’s), promoting STI screening in at-risk adolescent women, and screening and brief interventions for alcohol and drugs to name a few. Many of the studies have involved participants in criminal justice settings including jails, prisons, and community probation. I am currently a principal investigator on a NIDA funded project to test an intervention to prevent substance-exposed pregnancies in young women in juvenile probation. I will bring my expertise in study design, construct assessment, and data analysis along with my experience in working with racially diverse populations to this important study.