

Researchers Receive Congressionally-Funded Support

V-SRG Leader Presenting with sticky notes

Researchers at the Institute for Military and Veteran Family Wellness at The University of Texas at Austin were awarded $1.4 million from the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program to pilot a peer-led resiliency group for active-duty military spouses. The group will…

When you thank veterans, thank their families, too

Statesman Flags-Veterans Day

Austin American-Statesman (Nov 2022) | Elisa Borah & Hannah O’Brien Veterans are routinely thanked for their service in November and many other times throughout the year. Most Americans recognize and appreciate all they have sacrificed. But, what of their families,…

People First Summit on Fort Hood


Fox 44 News (Oct 2022) | Allison Fox O’Connor FORT HOOD, Texas (FOX 44) — The Human Capital Week was created to help leaders on Fort Hood learn more about the resources available for their soldiers. One of the the…

Behind the Mission Podcast

Hear from institute Director, Dr. Elisa Borah, as she talks about the work we do at the Institute for Military and Veteran Family Wellness and the Veteran Spouse Network. In this episode of PsychArmor’s Behind the Mission podcast, Dr. Borah…